Sunday, 28 December 2014

An End of Year Roundup!

Hello there, lovely readers :)

Firstly-apologies for disappearing. Again. It probably goes without saying by now that consistency is not a strong point of mine-even more so when it comes writing things. And when I'm busy and tired. And when it's winter and all I want to do is hibernate (this is turning into a list of excuses, and I really hope you're buying them).

Anyway-I'm back now, albeit momentarily. I'm on a 2 week break so I really have no excuse not to write something here (and I feel quite guilty for doing little more than drinking wine and watching Netflix all holiday). So-here's a little catchup on what I've been doing since we last spoke:

1. I started my new job as a teaching assistant. And I have to say-I'm relishing both the challenges and the rewards it brings. Can't write about it too much, of course (for child protection reasons etc.)-but I can tell you that it's going well. Even if I do have to listen to at least 30 different renditions of 'Let it Go' all day, everyday; and relate to this article more than life itself right now.

2. I've done Christmas, along with most of the rest of you. This year I had a competition with myself to see how many mince pies I could eat on a socially acceptable level in one day (think I managed 5) and enjoyed Turkey and gin with the best of 'em. Not particularly groundbreaking-but then Christmas isn't really meant to be. Hope yours was as Merry and Bright as mine.

3. Perhaps most importantly in the context of this blog-I've finished my TEFL course!

excited animated GIF
How I feel inside right now.

It's always nice to finish something-especially something that you've put time and effort into-and even more so when there's been some notable challenges along the way (such as going away for a month and having hardly any time to sleep, let alone study. And failing one of your assignments FOUR TIMES before eventually passing.) In many ways, I feel like there's still so much more to learn-and most of what I need to learn will only come with experience-but I'm still pleased to get this little qualification under my belt. Just in time for the end of the year, too! (Ask anyone and they'll tell you that my timing always has been impeccable. Honest).

I hope that in 2015 I'll be able to put the many hours spent learning about gerunds, irregular verbs and PPP lesson plans to good use-and will somehow secure my first proper TEFL job. If, by any chance, you have any ideas of where to go or which companies to apply for, get in contact. The TEFL job market is an absolute maze, and I literally have no idea where to start; and all I know right now is that I quite fancy working in Italy or Spain. A little guidance would go a long way, and I'd be eternally grateful.

Anyway, before I sign off for the year-I just wanted to say a big thank you to the many, many people who've helped make 2014 great in some way or another. I've had an action packed, super enjoyable, super challenging time-and it's definitely not a year I'm going to forget in a hurry. Now to make 2015 even better (sorry to be cheesy-the Christmas Stilton is clearly starting to take its toll).

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you lovelies-I'll be back soon!

Tons of Love,

Hope xx