Monday, 7 July 2014

A Confession and an update...

Hi everyone!

So-this week (in between going away for a few days) I've started my second TEFL module, all on Teaching Methodologies. I have to say that I'm already enjoying this one more than the last, but that's not hard to achieve given the fact that grammar is the spawn of the actual devil! It's a longer module, and there's actual written assignments to pass along the way, but it feels as though I'm actually getting some useful tools towards being a teacher-which is pretty satisfying. the title of this post suggests, I have a little(ish) confession to make. Since starting this blog, I've received some really lovely comments and feedback (which has been such an encouragement, so thank you). One thing that you guys seem to like the most is the blog's name. I really like it too-wouldn't have chosen it if I didn't!-but I have to tell you all something before I begin to feel like a bit of a fraud...

I didn't come up with it. In fact, I've stolen it from another website. 

sherlock animated GIF
I'm sorry, Benedict. I never meant to hurt you.

So now you all know that I'm not quite as good as alliteration as you thought I was. However-the original Tiny TEFL Teacher website is great (almost as good as this one, har-har). It's got loads of resources for teachers and students alike, and it will help you with the dreaded grammar, too! You can visit it here (she also has a Facebook Page and a YouTube Channel too, if you fancy taking stalking up as a hobby). 

Anyway-I love the name for a number of reasons, but mainly because it reminds me of two things-

that 1.) Yes, I am physically tiny (well, short, slim and young looking)
and 2.) No, that should not stop me from aspiring to be a teacher.

For a while, I wondered if learners would take someone who looks 16 rather than 21 seriously as a teacher; for example, would business English learners who run a corporation take a small Welsh girl seriously? In all honesty, I've never had a problem with my height or stature; but my (albeit limited) experience of the 'big bad world' demonstrates that it occasionally holds my height against me, particularly in professional situations. Perhaps, in terms of initial appearance, I don't exactly appear authorative or powerful; and from past experience, that puts me at an immediate disadvantage when trying to apply for jobs which demand a certain amount of authority or respect. 

Of course, I could let this fact get me down-and it would be a lie if I said that it hasn't wound me up royally from time to time. But increasingly, I'm learning to see my physicality as my greatest weapon; a device with which to surprise people! Because, whilst I may appear to still get the bus to school every morning, I'm actually a soon-to-be graduate who is independent, capable and (from time to time) pretty fierce! Being small has actually pushed me to be all the more confident and sure of who I am, and to work harder to get what I want-perhaps because I've had to prove to people that I'm more than capable. These days, people often pick up on my motivation and energy; and (without sounding full of myself, I hope!) that's something that I'm really proud of. 

With this in mind, I'm going to continue to polish my character-so that it makes a lasting impression and fills a space, even when my physicality doesn't.

Hope xx

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