Tuesday, 23 September 2014

A New Tactic for a Frazzled Brain...

Hello again, lovely humans who read my blog!

I'm aware that it's been a while since I last posted...and the main reason for this is because most of tiny pea brain's energies have been fed into finding a job! Since the start of this month, I have filled in hundreds of application forms, have painstakingly squeezed out cover letter after cover letter, and have literally tweaked my CV millions of times (note slight exaggeration in this sentence, but this is genuinely how it's felt in my weakest moments). I'm sure most graduates can relate to this feeling...and in many ways, it's been a bit of a new one for me. I mean, I've done the whole job hunting thing before, but last time it was small fry in comparison...just looking for temporary summer work, etc. This time, it's felt like a much bigger deal; the performance following the dress rehearsal, if you like (please humour me, I'm a drama graduate). And, just like any performance, it's been a bit nerve-racking at times...but also quite exciting! Especially when things start to go your way...

Emma S knows how I feel.

So-the good news is that I now have two jobs! One is short term and theatre related, and the other is a more long term role working in a Primary school. I feel really grateful to have been offered these opportunities; because I know how difficult it can be for graduates to find work, and still have friends who are really struggling to find anything that's right for them. My advice would be-don't lose heart! Cast your net wide! The world's your Lobster! And grasp every opportunity that comes your way. You will get there eventually, even if it takes a little while. (I know this is very easy for me to say, but I thought I'd try and be encouraging).

Anyway-I'm quickly learning that job-related battles don't end when you actually get the job (World says: obviously Hope, duh). My first battle is that I haven't actually started either of my jobs officially yet, for admin reasons etc. Anyone who knows me will know that I am truly terrible at being patient (waiting rooms are literally my idea of hell), so not being able to start straight away has been a bit of a struggle for me. Also, as I'm basically a free agent right now, I don't have much of a structured life routine, so every week and every day is different-and although this can be quite fun, it can also be a bit much for my frazzled brain to figure out at times.

A few things have got me through the frazzledness-namely a sparkly new graduate diary (great things! You should get one!), biscuits (tasty things! You should eat one!) and my brand new invention: TEFL evenings. Okay, so I'm not sure if I can quite claim to have invented these, exactly, but I may patent the concept as it is raaaaather a good idea (and this could possibly earn me some extra dollar). Basically-I'm trying to do a TEFL unit each evening, to give myself a bit more of a sense of routine. Although you may question whether filling your brain with teaching resources is the best way to sooth its frazzledness, the consistency of doing this alone seems to calm me down a bit. Also, I get to write my progress in my great graduate diary, which makes me feel super productive, and I get to treat myself to a tasty biscuit, which makes me feel a bit like I'm treating myself like a loyal and well-behaved dog, but is also delicious (obvs). So it's a win-win situation all round, really. Of course, there's a big likelyhood that this routine will fall to bits when I actually start working properly-but it can at least keep me going, for now.

Anyway-I'll keep you updated with the success of the TEFL evenings concept (trademark:it's now patented), and of course with all my other plans! Next week, my theatre job is taking me to the Lake District...which is going to be quite the adventure as I've never been there before. So I'll update you here with tales of woe and joy!

Big Love,

Hope xx

P.S Bit hyper tonight. Don't know if you can tell.

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