Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Starting a new thing in an old place...

Hi lovely readers!

So I'm quite aware there's been a big old gap between my last post back in September, and now. I wish I could come up with a decent excuse for this, but the main reason for the long silence has been apathy (one of life's little monsters) and just a general sense of my life not being interesting to blog about lately. Which, seeing written down, seems a little bit sad really! In all honesty, I was living in a bit of a no man's land for a while- firstly waiting patiently for my job to start, then freaking out and wondering if it was the right thing for me to be doing, and eventually quietly determining (after a few internal and external tantrums!) that it will be right, even if only for a bit. Anyway-I finally started my new role as a classroom assistant this week-and so far, so good! Everything is, of course, a massive learning curve right now, but I'm finding that really fulfilling after such a quiet Autumn. Will keep you updated as best I can.

Anyway-today's blog is going to be about one of the best things about starting my new job; moving back to Aberystwyth! Initially however, I had really mixed feelings about moving back to my university town; mainly because I didn't want to taint my memories of life here with the inevitable trials and tribulations of working life. It felt that by coming back, I would stop seeing Aber as a place for lazy beach days, ridiculous nights out and the occassional bit of studying, and would instead see it as a more permanent home. And it would be harder to leave....or perhaps I would never leave...perhaps I'd never leave the bubble again and all those possibilities that lie before me now would have been just that, possibilities, and I would always think how sad it was that I never lived and travelled in the way I used to dream of.

But then I told myself to pipe down and stop being over-dramatic, because the truth is that I can leave at any moment if I really want to. And, of course,  there are positives a plenty to staying here-namely:

a.) I will never get lost on the way to work (always a plus when you're trying to make a good impression)
b.) I can see old pals for the odd chinwag and a coffee
c.) The Arts Centre ('nuff said)
d.) The Sea ('nuff said)
e.) I can now classify myself as a 'young professional' within the town's demographic (which sounds much more snazzy than a student)
f.) I know where to go if I need some wine (SPAR)

movie animated GIF

So basically-I can take all the best bits of my old life here, and include them in a brand new and hopefully super fulfilling lifestyle! (By 'lifestyle' I mean that I want to take up jogging and maybe find a new hobby...anyone got any ideas of what it could be? Answers on a postcard please).

But yes. If you're in the same boat as I am (it's called the HMS Graduate if you're unsure) and you're thinking about moving back to your university town after graduation, my advice would be not to feel bad about it. You have your whole life ahead of you to explore this little spherical globe of ours, and taking your time to try some things out in a place that feels familiar isn't going to hold you back in the long run-it will simply prepare you for things to come. At least, that's what I hope I'm going to prove over the next few months.

Anyway-that's it for now! I shall put up a TEFLy-related post in the next few days to fill in on my recentish progress.

Hwyl fawr am nawr,

Hope xx

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